Conceptual Furniture Design

Caitie Cardwell
2 min readMay 6, 2021


In joining Shift as a sophomore, I was excited to be part of a space where I could explore creative ideas outside of my coursework. Specifically, I wanted to improve some digital rendering skills and combine my interests in industrial design and abstract artwork.

My Project

These general aims and interests manifested in my project, where I tried my hand at designing a chair as art. My ideas around bringing abstraction into furniture design also incorporated the question of how an object that was technically still usable might have that use overshadowed by aesthetics.

I started with ideation sketching, where I delved into ideas for form without much planning in an attempt to channel the spontaneity and expressionism that interests me in historical abstract art. I then transferred ideas to Rhinoceros 3D for development regarding structure and digital modeling and to Adobe Dimension for materials planning and further rendering development.

I completed the iterations of my first chair concept in a few months, but was unable to build the design given the limited access to spaces and tools due to the pandemic. Since I was temporarily unable to continue developing that design, I moved on to more ideas. In the end, I worked on four chair design concepts, exploring forms stemming from abstract linework and organic and geometric shapes.

The project was fun, exciting, challenging, and frustrating. It allowed me to explore a series of designs that considered the manipulation of a “proper” balance between function and form. It also required for me to learn a lot more about digital 3D modeling and start to improve my understanding of the steps involved in developing an object. Additionally, this project was about physical objects, but was completed entirely on paper and digitally. In my practice overall, I hope to continue with similar projects that involve more physical making from scaled models to full construction.

About Caitie

I am studying towards a BFA as a student in the Penny W. Stamps School of Art and Design at the University of Michigan. My creative practice includes traditional fine art in drawing and painting with materials from graphite and charcoal and ink to acrylic and oil and gouache. Recently, I have transitioned to include more 3D mediums from clay to metalworking. I also love modern art history, reading, cooking, and my houseplants.



Caitie Cardwell

I am a BFA student at the University of Michigan.